How You Might Damage Your Drains by Accident

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plumbing drain leaking pipe

Keeping your drains clean and clear should be one of your priorities in home maintenance, but it’s crucial to do it right. After all, it’s easy to damage your drains by accident. Dynamic Drains, your go-to expert in drain cleaning in Milan, MI, shares ways you might unintentionally hurt your drains and how to avoid them.

1. Improper Disposal of Food Scraps

If you have a garbage disposal, that doesn’t mean that you can throw all sorts of food scraps down the unit. However, this can do a number on your drains. Avoid putting starchy and fibrous food in your garbage disposal. The same goes for fat, oil, and grease. Otherwise, you might end up with a severely clogged drain.

2. Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical cleaners may seem like a quick and inexpensive fix to pesky drain clogs, but they only do more harm than good. They contain caustic chemicals that can corrode your pipes. They can also pose safety hazards to your household. When dealing with a stubborn clog, it’s best to call for professional drain cleaning services.

3. DIY Snaking

While drain snakes are effective in dislodging clogs, you should think twice about using them yourself. It takes the right skills and knowledge to use them properly; otherwise, you might accidentally dent the pipes or push the clog further, leading to more problems down the road. Unless you’re experienced, leave drain snaking to the pros.

4. Flushing Non-Flushable Items Down the Toilet

Items like paper towels, q-tips, and feminine hygiene products shouldn’t be flushed down the drain. These items don’t disintegrate in water and will only block your drains. When left neglected, they can lead to backups and cause pipes to leak and even burst. That said, only flush human waste and toilet paper.

As your dependable drain cleaning company, we will help you keep your drains in the best shape possible for years to come. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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