How Shifting Soil Compromises Your Sewer Lines

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Even with the most careful homeowner, sewer lines will get damaged over time due to natural occurrences like shifting soil. Soil shifts happen due to heavy rainfalls, severe drought, and fluctuating temperatures, putting your underground pipes under excessive stress. This exacerbates wear and tear, which calls for a prompt sewer repair in Ann Arbor, MI.

Dynamic Drains shares how shifting soil can compromise your sewer lines:

Leaks and Clogs

Shifting soil can loosen the joints and seals of your sewer pipes, leading to cracks and leaks. Once sewage leaks, it may erode the soil and burden the pipes. When left unchecked, the pipes may ultimately fail, which may require an untimely sewer line replacement.

Soil shifts can also pull up tree roots that can break your sewer lines. This creates an entry for dirt and debris, causing blockages to form inside the pipes. Once you experience slow or clogged drains, seek professional sewer line repair immediately to get into the root of the problem.


A backed-up sink or toilet is common, but if you experience this problem most of the time, there could be something wrong with your sewer system. Shifting soil can disrupt water flow from your home to your sewer line, causing it to back up into your drains. This is a serious problem that requires immediate sewer repair services.

Basement Flooding

Soil shifts can also increase the risk of basement flooding, especially when sewer leaks go unnoticed for a long time. This can damage your home’s foundation and encourage mold and mildew growth, triggering health conditions like asthma and allergies. Don’t wait until it’s too late, and replace sewer line as soon as possible.

While shifting soil is beyond your control, you can take preventative measures to mitigate the damage it can cause to your sewer lines. At Dynamic Drains, we are here to provide you with the necessary sewer pipe line repair and maintenance to keep your home safe and sound. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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