Strange Plumbing Noises You Shouldn’t Ignore

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plumbing pipes

Leaking pipes, overflowing drains, and other similar problems are certainly a reason to reach out to a seasoned plumber in Saline, MI, from Dynamic Drains. We also recommend paying attention to any odd plumbing noises. Below, we discuss the more common and concerning ones to listen for to give you a better idea of what kind of attention might be needed.

Hissing Sounds

When hissing sounds are coming from your plumbing fixtures, it’s typically an indication your home’s water pressure is too high. If this is the case, have a reliable plumbing company install a water pressure regulator to remedy this problem.

On the other hand, if you hear hissing sounds from your water heater after using hot water for a while, don’t worry. This is usually just from the tank filling up again.

Banging or Squealing Pipes

Noises of this nature are reason enough to call us for plumbing assistance, especially if these sounds come on suddenly. Banging is usually related to changes in water pressure, but pipes making these sounds could also be loose and susceptible to bursting. For squealing pipes, a pressure valve may solve this issue.

Gurgling Drains

Gurgling sounds are a sign you have drain-related issues. In many instances, it means the affected drain needs to be cleared and cleaned, especially if you’re dealing with slow drainage or recurring clogs or backups. In some cases, you may need plumbing repairs if there’s an obstruction due to a structural issue, like damage from corrosion or tree roots.

Let Our Team Solve the Problem

If you notice strange plumbing noises, don’t hesitate to contact Dynamic Drains. We’ll take the time to track down the source of the odd sounds so we can take steps to give you a quieter, safer, and fully functioning plumbing system.

Contact us today to benefit from any of our plumbing services in Saline, MI. Call us or fill out the form for an appointment.

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