Hydro Jetting: A Lasting Solution to Tree Root Intrusion

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hydro jetting Ann Arbor, MI

Planting trees in your yard can provide several benefits, from providing comfort to adding natural beauty to your home. If you’re not careful, however, the trees might end up wreaking havoc on your drain and sewer lines. That is because the moisture in the pipes attracts tree roots. These roots can penetrate the system, causing cracks, leaks, and clogs.

When it comes to dealing with tree root intrusion, Dynamic Drains recommends hydro jetting. It is a long-lasting method of drain cleaning in Ann Arbor, MI, which offers several benefits over other procedures, including:

It’s Powerful and Efficient

Unlike traditional methods like drain snaking, which only provides temporary relief, hydro jetting keeps your pipes free-flowing for a long time. Its water pressure levels can reach up to 4,000 PSI, which can cut through tree roots, scale, grease, and other stubborn clogs in your pipes.

It’s Safe for Pipes

The pressure of hydro jetting is adjustable so that it won’t damage your pipes or cause any further problems with your drain and sewer lines. This part of our drain cleaning services is also safe for older systems, as long as they are stable enough to withstand the high water pressure levels.

Prevents Future Blockages

Hydro jetting leaves no trace of dirt behind, ensuring clogs won’t recur in the future. Our drain cleaning company uses a multi-directional nozzle for our hydro jets to clean every nook and cranny of the pipeline.

Eco-Friendly Option

Hydro jetting is an eco-friendly option for clearing a severely clogged drain. It doesn’t use harsh chemicals, which can be harmful to the plumbing system and the environment. We can also reuse the water utilized during the process and dispose of it safely.

Don’t let tree roots cause plumbing nightmares in your home by making hydro jetting by Dynamic Drains a part of your preventive maintenance. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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