Mistakes to Avoid When Getting a New Water Heater

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tankless water heater

Investing in a new water heater is a significant investment, which is why it’s crucial to do it right the first time. When the time comes you need a water heater replacement, be sure to avoid the common mistakes that Dynamic Drains shares below:

1. Getting the Wrongly-Sized Water Heater

Don’t just buy any water heater that you find on the market. Traditional water heaters usually hold between 30 and 80 gallons of water, but the size you’ll need depend on how many people live in your home and your demand for hot water during peak hours.

An undersized water heater can fail early, as it works harder than needed to meet your hot water needs. Meanwhile, an oversized unit wastes energy to keep unused water warm. You can save on water heater repair in Ypsilanti, MI, when you choose the right size for your unit in the first place.

2. DIY Installation

Unless you have the necessary tools and technical know-how, it’s best to leave water heater installation to professionals like Dynamic Drains. Even the smallest mistake can lead to costly repairs down the road. Furthermore, setting up a water heater should comply with local codes to ensure it’s safe to use.

3. Not Doing Enough Research

Not all water heaters are the same, so do your research to ensure you’re getting the best unit for your home. You can find several resources online, but don’t hesitate to seek advice from our experts during water heater services. We’ll guide you through every step so you can make an informed decision.

4. Not Considering Energy Efficiency

The upfront cost of buying a new water heater is already high, which is why it’s best to consider how much it will cost to operate it in the long run. Fortunately, newer models are more energy-efficient than older ones. A tankless water heater can save you up to 22% on energy usage than a traditional unit. If you’re unsure how to assess energy efficiency ratings, we’re ready to assist you.

The pros at Dynamic Drains will help you make the most of your new water heater. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a service visit.

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