What to Look for in Your New Water Heater

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What to Look for in Your New Water Heater

When choosing a new water heater for your home, you need to consider a lot of factors to ensure that it will meet your needs. Since it’s a significant investment, you should take the time to research the various features and benefits you’ll enjoy for years to come.

As your go-to specialist in water heater repair in Ypsilanti, MI, Dynamic Drains is here to help you narrow down your options. Here are some of the important considerations to take into account.

Type of Water Heaters

Water heaters come in two types: tank and tankless units. A tank or conventional storage water heater is the most popular option among homeowners. The tank can store up to 60, 80, or even more gallons of hot water, so be sure you have enough floor space to accommodate the unit. Meanwhile, a tankless water heater supplies hot water on-demand. It’s compact, more energy-efficient, and can be mounted on a wall.

Energy Ratings

The Department of Energy has introduced the Energy Factor (EF) rating, which determines the efficiency of your water heater. The higher the EF, the more efficient a water heater is, but note that it won’t always mean lower operating costs as it will still depend on your fuel source. Our experienced plumber in Ypsilanti, MI, can walk you through this and help you make the best decision.

Cost, Availability, and Fuel Type

The fuel type used for heating water affects the unit’s operating costs. Energy sources include electricity, fuel, propane, natural gas, geothermal energy, and solar. If you’re considering water heater replacement, think about the availability of the different fuel types in your area and their costs. Doing so can help you gauge your expenses and savings in the long term.


Like in any appliance, a warranty is important for your water heater installation. This will come in handy should your unit suddenly malfunctions and help you get the most out of your investment. The warranty period usually ranges between 3 to 12 years. Water heaters with extended warranty periods tend to be more expensive.

For exceptional water heater services, Dynamic Drains is the name you can trust. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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