Common Plumbing Problems During Summer

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How you use your home’s plumbing system changes as seasons change. The summer months come with their share of plumbing issues because of the extra wear and tear in your home. Most people have more guests during summer, and outdoor summer activities can encourage plumbing issues. The following are some of the common summer plumbing repairs that Dynamic Drains handles at that time of the year.

Clogged Garbage Disposal

The warm summer months have a lot of block parties, grilling, and cookouts. Putting unwanted material down the garbage disposal, such as corn cobs, meat grease, melon rinds, and fruit stones can ultimately cause a blockage. Get in touch with a reputable plumbing company for repairs as soon as you notice any sign of clogged garbage disposal.

Sprinkler Issues

Lawnmowers and increased traffic in your yard during the summer months can increase the possibility of sprinkler problems. Unfortunately, this can cause an emergency plumbing issue, which can be disastrous. That said, double-check your sprinklers to ensure that they are in good shape before using them.

Sewer Line Backups

Some areas experience frequent thunderstorms or rain showers, mainly in the afternoons. The excessive rain then gets into sewer pipes if they have cracks, causing sewage backups. This issue is also common during summer due to cracked pipes from tree roots. A common sign of sewer line trouble to watch out for are gurgling drains and overflowing toilets. Call a certified plumber in Saline, MI from Dynamic Drains if you notice this sign for repairs or replacement.

Don’t let plumbing problems ruin your summer plans. If you notice any of these red flags this summer, contact Dynamic Drains immediately. Our experienced team will fix the issues and ensure they will not recur for a long time. It also pays to conduct regular inspections to avoid costly repairs. Book an appointment with us today.

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